Our Foundation 2 class is going to continue to build the skills that will create an incredible agility dog!
Each session will address a multitude of issues. Some of the benefits are listed below.
Side and Close
- One of my core behaviors!
- Creates focus no matter the distraction
- Makes the heeling behavior super fun
- De-stresses setting your dog on the start line
- Calls your dog immediately to your side while on course
- Proofs your stay understanding with intensity
Name Recognition
- Simple drills to ensure your dog’s instant response to their name
- Making sure you keep this skill strong
- Elevates your reinforcers
- Value for and understanding of body language
- Increase your dog’s focus and relationship with the handler
- Creates acceleration and deceleration understanding
- Teaches your dog to power ahead of you when asked
Hot Object Game
- Shaping
- Planning Sessions
- Learning how to generalize
- Learning how to be thoughtful in creating difficulties
- Mechanics
- Proactive decisions
Back up
- Teaches your dog to back up properly
- Helps to teach a weight shift
Circle Work
- Body Language understanding and value
- Anti-fick
- Handling pressure for Rear Cross
- Accel/ decel
- Value for the shoulder turn
- Additional exercise for the Go On
- Understanding for Reinforcement Zone
Cone Work
- Understanding beginning tight turns
- Helping the dogs to become more fexible and supple
- Low impact way to work tight turns
- Value for tight turns
- Teaching a verbal wrap cue
- Powering to an obstacle
- Obstacle commitment
- Multiple techniques for teaching your dog to retrieve
- No more wasting half your session chasing after your dog and the thrown toy or being afraid to use a vital tool because your dog won’t bring the toy back
Come join us and learn how incredibly valuable a strong foundation can be. There is no worry that one skill will give you control of one behavior at the cost of another. Everything will always be balanced. Where there is go on training there will also be turn training . When we teach a dog to drive a line, we will also teach them to immediately respond to decel and turn cues.
I look forward to enriching your experiences with your dogs!